ValueError: Invalid constant scalar expression: <class 'NoneType'>


# Created by inigo quilez - iq/2020
# License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
# The Julia set of f(z) = z³ + c, as rendered for the Youtube
# video called "Geodes":
# I simplified a few things, reduced the number of GI bounces
# and did some temporal reprojection to keep it more or less
# real-time while looking similar to the one in the video.
# Explanations:
# Related shaders:
# Julia - Quaternion 1 :
# Julia - Quaternion 2 :
# Julia - Quaternion 3 :

import taichi as ti
import taichi_glsl as ts
import time


iResolution = ti.Vector([1024, 512])
pixels = ti.Vector.field(4, ti.f32, (iResolution.x, iResolution.y))
iTime = ti.field(ti.f32, ())
iFrame = ti.field(ti.i32, ())
iChannel0 = ti.Vector.field(4, ti.f32, (1024, 1024))

def xy(v):
    return ti.Vector([v.x, v.y])

def xz(v):
    return ti.Vector([v.x, v.z])

def xxx(v):
    return ti.Vector([v.x, v.x, v.x])

def xyy(v):
    return ti.Vector([v.x, v.y, v.y])

def xyz(v):
    return ti.Vector([v.x, v.y, v.z])

def yxy(v):
    return ti.Vector([v.y, v.x, v.y])

def yyx(v):
    return ti.Vector([v.y, v.y, v.x])

def texture(sampler, P):
    P = ts.clamp(P, 0.0, 1.0)
    return sampler[ti.cast(sampler.shape * P, ti.i32)]

def textureLod(sampler, P, lod):
    return texture(sampler, P)

def texelFetch(sampler, P, lod):
    return sampler[P]

def makeIChannel0():
    for texCoord_x, texCoord_y in iChannel0:
        iChannel0[texCoord_x, texCoord_y] = ti.Vector([
            ti.sin(0.5 * texCoord_x),
            1.0 - ti.sin(0.5 * texCoord_x),

# disable TRAPs to see just the set
TRAPS = True

# disable CUT to see the whole set
CUT = True

kNumIte = 200
kPrecis = 0.00025
kC = ti.Vector([-2, 6, 15, -6]) / 22.0
kFocLen = 3.0
    kBSRad = 2.0
    kBSRad = 1.2
kNumBounces = 3

# --------------------------------------
# oldschool rand() from Visual Studio
# --------------------------------------
seed = ti.field(ti.i32, ())
seed[None] = 1

def srand(s):
    seed[None] = s

def rand():
    seed[None] = seed[None] * 0x343fd + 0x269ec3
    return (seed[None] >> 16) & 32767

def frand():
    return ti.cast(rand(), ti.f32) / 32767.0
# --------------------------------------
# hash to initialize the random seed (copied from Hugo Elias)
# --------------------------------------

def hash(n):
    n = (n << 13) ^ n
    return n * (n * n * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589

def cosineDirection(nor):
    u = frand() * 2.0 - 1.0
    a = frand() * 6.28318531
    return (nor + ti.Vector([
        ti.sqrt(1.0 - u * u) * ti.cos(a),
        ti.sqrt(1.0 - u * u) * ti.sin(a),
# quaternion manipulation

def qSquare(q):
    return ti.Vector([
        q.x * q.x - q.y * q.y - q.z * q.z - q.w * q.w,
        2.0 * q.x * q.y,
        2.0 * q.x * q.z,
        2.0 * q.x * q.w,

def qCube(q):
    q2 = q * q
    return ti.Vector([
        q.x * (q2.x - 3.0 * q2.y - 3.0 * q2.z - 3.0 * q2.w),
        q.y * (3.0 * q2.x - q2.y - q2.z - q2.w),
        q.z * (3.0 * q2.x - q2.y - q2.z - q2.w),
        q.w * (3.0 * q2.x - q2.y - q2.z - q2.w),

def qLength2(q):
# ray-sphere intersection

def iSphere(ro, rd, rad):
    result = ti.Vector([-1.0, 0.0])
    b =
    c = - rad * rad
    h = b * b - c
    if h >= 0.0:
        h = ti.sqrt(h)
        result = ti.Vector([-b - h, -b + h])
    return result
# build camera rotation matrix

def setCamera(ro, ta, cr):
    cw = (ta - ro).normalized()
    cp = ti.Vector([ti.sin(cr), ti.cos(cr), 0.0])
    cu = (cw.cross(cp)).normalized()
    cv = (cu.cross(cw)).normalized()
    return ti.Matrix.rows([cu, cv, cw])
# SDF of the Julia set z³+c

def mapFunc(p):
    z = ti.Vector([p.x, p.y, p.z, 0.0])
    dz2 = 1.0
    m2 = 0.0
    n = 0.0
    if ti.static(TRAPS):
        o = 1e10

    for i in ti.static(range(kNumIte)):
        # z' = 3z² -> |z'|² = 9|z²|²
        dz2 *= 9.0 * qLength2(qSquare(z))

        # z = z³ + c
        z = qCube(z) + kC

        # stop under divergence
        m2 = qLength2(z)

        # orbit trapping :
        if ti.static(TRAPS):
            o = ti.min(o, (xz(z) - ti.Vector([0.45, 0.55])).norm() - 0.1)

        # exit condition
        if m2 > 256.0:
        n += 1.0

    # sdf(z) = log|z|·|z|/|dz| :
    d = 0.25 * ti.log(m2) * ti.sqrt(m2 / dz2)

    if ti.static(TRAPS):
        d = ti.min(o, d)
    if ti.static(CUT):
        d = ti.max(d, p.y)

    return ti.Vector([d, n])
# Compute Normal to SDF
#if 1

def calcNormal1(pos):
    e = ti.Vector([1.0, -1.0]) * 0.5773 * kPrecis
    return (xyy(e) * mapFunc(pos + xyy(e)).x +
            yyx(e) * mapFunc(pos + yyx(e)).x +
            yxy(e) * mapFunc(pos + yxy(e)).x +
            xxx(e) * mapFunc(pos + xxx(e)).x).normalized()
# else

def calcNormal(p):
    result = ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    # if ti.static(TRAPS):
    #    the code below only works for the actual Julia set, not the traps

    z = ti.Vector([p.x, p.y, p.z, 0.0])

    # identity derivative
    J = ti.Matrix([
        [1, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 1],

    for i in ti.static(range(kNumIte)):
        # f(q) = q³ + c =
        #   x =  x²x - 3y²x - 3z²x - 3w²x + c.x
        #   y = 3x²y -  y²y -  z²y -  w²y + c.y
        #   z = 3x²z -  y²z -  z²z -  w²z + c.z
        #   w = 3x²w -  y²w -  z²w -  w²w + c.w
        # Jacobian, J(f(q)) =
        #   3(x²-y²-z²-w²)  6xy            6xz            6xw
        #    -6xy           3x²-3y²-z²-w² -2yz           -2yw
        #    -6xz          -2yz            3x2-y²-3z²-w² -2zw
        #    -6xw          -2yw           -2zw            3x²-y²-z²-3w²

        k1 = 6.0 * z.x * z.y
        k2 = 6.0 * z.x * z.z
        k3 = 6.0 * z.x * z.w
        k4 = 2.0 * z.y * z.z
        k5 = 2.0 * z.y * z.w
        k6 = 2.0 * z.z * z.w
        sx = z.x * z.x
        sy = z.y * z.y
        sz = z.z * z.z
        sw = z.w * z.w
        mx = 3.0 * sx - 3.0 * sy - 3.0 * sz - 3.0 * sw
        my = 3.0 * sx - 3.0 * sy - sz - sw
        mz = 3.0 * sx - sy - 3.0 * sz - sw
        mw = 3.0 * sx - sy - sz - 3.0 * sw

        # chain rule of jacobians
        J = J * ti.Matrix([
            [mx, -k1, -k2, -k3],
            [k1, my, -k4, -k5],
            [k2, -k4, mz, -k6],
            [k3, -k5, -k6, mw],
        # q = q³ + c
        z = qCube(z) + kC

        # exit condition
        if > 256.0:

    if p.y <= 0.0:
        result = xyz(J@z).normalized()
    return result
# ray-scene intersection

def raycast(ro, rd):
    result = ti.Vector([-2.0, 0.0])
    tmax = 7.0
    tmin = kPrecis

    # intersect clipping plane
    if ti.static(CUT):
        kSplit = 0.01
        tpS = (kSplit - ro.y) / rd.y
        if tpS > 0.0:
            if ro.y > kSplit:
                tmin = ti.max(tmin, tpS)
                tmax = ti.min(tmax, tpS)

    # intersect lower clipping plane
    if ti.static(True):
        tpF = (-0.8 - ro.y) / rd.y
        if tpF > 0.0:
            tmax = ti.min(tmax, tpF)

    # intersect bounding sphere
    hasResult = False
    if ti.static(True):
        bv = iSphere(ro, rd, kBSRad)
        if bv.y < 0.0:
            hasResult = True
            tmin = ti.max(tmin, bv.x)
            tmax = ti.min(tmax, bv.y)

    if not hasResult:
        # raymarch
        res = ti.Vector([-1.0, 0.0])
        t = tmin
        lt = 0.0
        lh = 0.0
        for i in range(1024):
            res = mapFunc(ro + rd * t)
            if res.x < kPrecis:
            lt = t
            lh = res.x
            if ti.static(not TRAPS):
                t += ti.min(res.x, 0.2)
                t += ti.min(res.x, 0.01) * (0.5 * 0.5 * frand())
            if t > tmax:
        # linear interpolation for better isosurface
        if lt > 0.0001 and res.x < 0.0:
            t = lt - lh * (t - lt) / (res.x - lh)

        if t < tmax:
            res.x = t
            res.x = -1.0

        result = res
    return result
# color of the surface

def colorSurface(pos, nor, tn):
    col = 0.5 + 0.5 * ti.cos(ti.log(tn.y) / ti.log(2.0)
                             * 0.9 + 3.5 + ti.Vector([0.0, 0.6, 1.0]))
    if pos.y > 0.0:
        col = ts.mix(col, ti.Vector([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), 0.2)
    inside = ts.smoothstep(14.0, 15.0, tn.y)
    col *= ti.Vector([0.45, 0.42, 0.40]) + \
        ti.Vector([0.55, 0.58, 0.60]) * inside
    col = ts.mix(col * col * (3.0 - 2.0 * col), col, inside)
    col = ts.mix(ts.mix(col, ti.Vector([0.3333, 0.0, 0.0]))), -0.4), col, inside)
    return ts.clamp(col * 0.65, 0.0, 1.0)
# Render the scene through super simplified path-tracing

def render(fragCoord, ro, rd, resPos, resT):
    result = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    colorMask = ti.Vector([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    resT = 1e20

    # path-tracing
    for bounce in ti.static(range(kNumBounces)):
        tn = raycast(ro, rd)
        t = tn.x
        if t < 0.0:
            if bounce > 0:
                result = colorMask * 1.65 * ts.step(0.0, rd.y)
                result = ti.Vector(
                    [ts.clamp(0.02 + 0.021 * rd.y, 0.0, 1.0), 0.0, 0.0])
            pos = ro + t * rd
            nor = calcNormal(pos)

            if bounce == 0:
                resT = t
                resPos = pos

            colorMask *= colorSurface(pos, nor, tn)
            rd = cosineDirection(nor)
            ro = pos + nor * kPrecis

    return result, resPos, resT

def mainImage(fragColor, fragCoord):
	# init random seed
    q = ti.cast(fragCoord, ti.i32)
    srand(hash(q.x + hash(q.y + hash(1117 * iFrame[None]))))

    # camera
    an = 0.5 + iTime[None] * 0.03
    ro = 2.0 * ti.Vector([ti.sin(an), 0.8, ti.cos(an)])
    ta = ti.Vector([0.0, -0.1, 0.0])
    if ti.static(CUT):
        ta = ti.Vector([0.0, -0.3, 0.0])
    cam = setCamera(ro, ta, 0.0)

    # ray direction
    p = (2.0 * fragCoord - xy(iResolution)) / iResolution.y
    rd = (cam @ ti.Vector([p.x, p.y, kFocLen])).normalized()

    # render fractal
    pos = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    resT = 0.0
    col, pos, resT = render(fragCoord, ro, rd, pos, resT)

    # reproject to previous frame and pull history
    oldCam = ti.Matrix.rows([
        texelFetch(iChannel0, ti.Vector([0, 0]), 0),
        texelFetch(iChannel0, ti.Vector([1, 0]), 0),
        texelFetch(iChannel0, ti.Vector([2, 0]), 0),
    # world space point
    wpos = ti.Vector([pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1.0])
    # convert to camera space (note inverse multiply)
    cpos = oldCam @ wpos
    # convert to NDC space (project)
    npos = kFocLen * xy(cpos) / cpos.z
    # convert to screen space
    spos = 0.5 + 0.5 * npos * ti.Vector([iResolution.y / iResolution.x, 1.0])
    # convert to raster space
    rpos = spos * xy(iResolution)

    # read color+depth from this point's previous screen location
    ocolt = textureLod(iChannel0, spos, 0.0)
    # if we consider the data contains the history for this point
    if iFrame[None] > 0 and resT < 100.0 and (rpos.y > 1.5 or rpos.x > 3.5):
        # blend with history (it's a IIR low pas filter really)
        col = ts.mix(xyz(ocolt), col, 0.06)
    # output
    if q.y == 0 and q.x < 3:
        # camera matrix in lower left three pixels, for next frame
        if q.x == 0:
            fragColor = ti.Vector([cam[0, 0], cam[0, 1], cam[0, 2], -
                                  1.0 * ti.Vector([cam[0, 0], cam[0, 1], cam[0, 2]]).dot(ro)])
        elif q.x == 1:
            fragColor = ti.Vector([cam[1, 0], cam[1, 1], cam[1, 2], -
                                  1.0 * ti.Vector([cam[1, 0], cam[1, 1], cam[1, 2]]).dot(ro)])
            fragColor = ti.Vector([cam[2, 0], cam[2, 1], cam[2, 2], -
                                  1.0 * ti.Vector([cam[2, 0], cam[2, 1], cam[2, 2]]).dot(ro)])
        # color and depth
        fragColor = ti.Vector([col.x, col.y, col.z, resT])
    return fragColor

def fragmentShader():
    for fragCoord_x, fragCoord_y in pixels:
        pixels[fragCoord_x, fragCoord_y] = mainImage(
            pixels[fragCoord_x, fragCoord_y],
            ti.Vector([fragCoord_x, fragCoord_y])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    gui = ti.GUI("Julia Quaternion 3", pixels.shape)
    iTime[None] = 0
    iFrame[None] = 0
    preTime = time.time()
    while gui.running:
        nowTime = time.time()
        iTime[None] += (nowTime - preTime)
        preTime = nowTime
        iFrame[None] += 1


During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/vw/Projects/Taichi-Julia-Quaternion-3/", line 552, in <module>
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/", line 715, in wrapped
    return primal(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/", line 643, in __call__
    key = self.ensure_compiled(*args)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/", line 629, in ensure_compiled
    self.materialize(key=key, args=args, arg_features=arg_features)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/", line 475, in materialize
    taichi_kernel = _ti_core.create_kernel(taichi_ast_generator,
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/", line 465, in taichi_ast_generator
    transform_tree(tree, ctx)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 8, in transform_tree
    ASTTransformer()(ctx, tree)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 26, in __call__
    raise e
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 23, in __call__
    return method(ctx, node)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 484, in build_Module
    build_stmt(ctx, stmt)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 26, in __call__
    raise e
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 23, in __call__
    return method(ctx, node)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 448, in build_FunctionDef
    build_stmts(ctx, node.body)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 1083, in build_stmts
    build_stmt(ctx, stmt)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 26, in __call__
    raise e
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 23, in __call__
    return method(ctx, node)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 911, in build_For
    return ASTTransformer.build_struct_for(ctx,
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 829, in build_struct_for
    build_stmts(ctx, node.body)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 1083, in build_stmts
    build_stmt(ctx, stmt)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 26, in __call__
    raise e
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 23, in __call__
    return method(ctx, node)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 69, in build_Assign
    build_stmt(ctx, node.value)
  File "/Users/vw/miniconda3/envs/taichi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/taichi/lang/ast/", line 32, in __call__
    raise TaichiCompilationError(msg)
taichi.lang.exception.TaichiCompilationError: On line 535 of file "/Users/vw/Projects/Taichi-Julia-Quaternion-3/":
        pixels[fragCoord_x, fragCoord_y] = mainImage(
            pixels[fragCoord_x, fragCoord_y],
            ti.Vector([fragCoord_x, fragCoord_y])
On line 487 of file "/Users/vw/Projects/Taichi-Julia-Quaternion-3/":
    col, pos, resT = render(fragCoord, ro, rd, pos, resT)
On line 433 of file "/Users/vw/Projects/Taichi-Julia-Quaternion-3/":
        tn = raycast(ro, rd)
On line 380 of file "/Users/vw/Projects/Taichi-Julia-Quaternion-3/":
            res = mapFunc(ro + rd * t)
On line 241 of file "/Users/vw/Projects/Taichi-Julia-Quaternion-3/":
            o = ti.min(o, (xz(z) - ti.Vector([0.45, 0.55])).norm() - 0.1)
ValueError: Invalid constant scalar expression: <class 'NoneType'>


Hi @virgilwjj , 我跑了一下代码。只要你把 Line 226-227行改一下就可以了:

if ti.statis(TRAPS):
    o = 1e10


o = 1e10


这是因为Taichi是和Python还是有区别的,Taichi中的变量有作用域的概念,如果你没提前定义变量 o 后面用的时候就会出错。


The language used in Taichi kernels and functions looks exactly like Python, yet the Taichi frontend compiler converts it into a language that is compiled, statically-typed, lexically-scoped, parallel and differentiable.

我一直盯着报错行,没考虑到这个scope的问题。 :joy:
我感觉写ti.kernel,ti.func要c++思维。 :rofl:

嗯嗯,不客气哈。用C++的思维 确实是这样的。

不过,我觉得有一点,就是error message时候,
“ValueError: Invalid constant scalar expression: <class ‘NoneType’>,
最好应该告诉我,是 ‘o’出了这样问题,这样我能往改‘o’的思路走。

On line 241 of file "/Users/vw/Projects/Taichi-Julia-Quaternion-3/":
            o = ti.min(o, (xz(z) - ti.Vector([0.45, 0.55])).norm() - 0.1)

‘o’ 没有类波浪线,意思就是‘o’的问题?

出现这种错误,你就可以把 o 换成个数字看看是不是 o 出得问题。目前报错信息确实不太符合直觉,我们也一直在改进中。