

[Taichi] version 1.7.3, llvm 15.0.1, commit 5ec301be, win, python 3.12.2
[Taichi] Starting on arch=cuda
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\study\CFD\LBM_Taichi\lbm_solver.py", line 175, in <module>
  File "d:\study\CFD\LBM_Taichi\lbm_solver.py", line 139, in solve
  File "D:\program\Python312\Lib\site-packages\taichi\lang\kernel_impl.py", line 1178, in __call__
    raise type(e)("\n" + str(e)) from None
File "d:\study\CFD\LBM_Taichi\lbm_solver.py", line 82, in update_macro_var:
                self.vel[i, j] += self.e[k, :] * self.f_new[i, j][k]
Only 0-dimensional numpy array can be used to initialize a scalar expression

但是给self.e[k,:]添加一层tm.vec2(·)变成tm.vec2(self.e[k, :]) * ...就又可以运行了,为什么会这样?

# Fluid solver based on lattice boltzmann method using taichi language
# Author : Wang (hietwll@gmail.com)

import sys
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm

import taichi as ti
import taichi.math as tm


class lbm_solver:
    def __init__(
        name, # name of the flow case
        nx,  # domain size
        niu,  # viscosity of fluid
        bc_type,  # [left,top,right,bottom] boundary conditions: 0 -> Dirichlet ; 1 -> Neumann
        bc_value,  # if bc_type = 0, we need to specify the velocity in bc_value
        cy=0,  # whether to place a cylindrical obstacle
        cy_para=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],  # location and radius of the cylinder
        self.name = name
        self.nx = nx  # by convention, dx = dy = dt = 1.0 (lattice units)
        self.ny = ny
        self.niu = niu
        self.tau = 3.0 * niu + 0.5
        self.inv_tau = 1.0 / self.tau
        self.rho = ti.field(float, shape=(nx, ny))
        self.vel = ti.Vector.field(2, float, shape=(nx, ny))
        self.mask = ti.field(float, shape=(nx, ny))
        self.f_old = ti.Vector.field(9, float, shape=(nx, ny))
        self.f_new = ti.Vector.field(9, float, shape=(nx, ny))
        self.w = ti.types.vector(9, float)(4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4) / 9.0
        self.e = ti.types.matrix(9, 2, int)([0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1])
        self.bc_type = ti.field(int, 4)
        self.bc_type.from_numpy(np.array(bc_type, dtype=np.int32))
        self.bc_value = ti.Vector.field(2, float, shape=4)
        self.bc_value.from_numpy(np.array(bc_value, dtype=np.float32))
        self.cy = cy
        self.cy_para = tm.vec3(cy_para)

    @ti.func  # compute equilibrium distribution function
    def f_eq(self, i, j):
        eu = self.e @ self.vel[i, j]
        uv = tm.dot(self.vel[i, j], self.vel[i, j])
        return self.w * self.rho[i, j] * (1 + 3 * eu + 4.5 * eu * eu - 1.5 * uv)

    def init(self):
        for i, j in self.rho:
            self.f_old[i, j] = self.f_new[i, j] = self.f_eq(i, j)
            if self.cy == 1:
                if (i - self.cy_para[0]) ** 2 + (j - self.cy_para[1]) ** 2 <= self.cy_para[2] ** 2:
                    self.mask[i, j] = 1.0

    def collide_and_stream(self):  # lbm core equation
        for i, j in ti.ndrange((1, self.nx - 1), (1, self.ny - 1)):
            for k in ti.static(range(9)):
                ip = i - self.e[k, 0]
                jp = j - self.e[k, 1]
                feq = self.f_eq(ip, jp)
                self.f_new[i, j][k] = (1 - self.inv_tau) * self.f_old[ip, jp][k] + feq[k] * self.inv_tau

    def update_macro_var(self):  # compute rho u v
        for i, j in ti.ndrange((1, self.nx - 1), (1, self.ny - 1)):
            self.rho[i, j] = 0
            self.vel[i, j] = 0, 0
            for k in ti.static(range(9)):
                self.f_old[i, j][k] = self.f_new[i, j][k]
                self.rho[i, j] += self.f_new[i, j][k]
                # self.vel[i, j] += tm.vec2(self.e[k, 0], self.e[k, 1]) * self.f_new[i, j][k]
                self.vel[i, j] += self.e[k, :] * self.f_new[i, j][k]

            self.vel[i, j] /= self.rho[i, j]

    def apply_bc(self):  # impose boundary conditions
        # left and right
        for j in range(1, self.ny - 1):
            # left: dr = 0; ibc = 0; jbc = j; inb = 1; jnb = j
            self.apply_bc_core(1, 0, 0, j, 1, j)

            # right: dr = 2; ibc = nx-1; jbc = j; inb = nx-2; jnb = j
            self.apply_bc_core(1, 2, self.nx - 1, j, self.nx - 2, j)

        # top and bottom
        for i in range(self.nx):
            # top: dr = 1; ibc = i; jbc = ny-1; inb = i; jnb = ny-2
            self.apply_bc_core(1, 1, i, self.ny - 1, i, self.ny - 2)

            # bottom: dr = 3; ibc = i; jbc = 0; inb = i; jnb = 1
            self.apply_bc_core(1, 3, i, 0, i, 1)

        # cylindrical obstacle
        # Note: for cuda backend, putting 'if statement' inside loops can be much faster!
        for i, j in ti.ndrange(self.nx, self.ny):
            if self.cy == 1 and self.mask[i, j] == 1:
                self.vel[i, j] = 0, 0  # velocity is zero at solid boundary
                inb = 0
                jnb = 0
                if i >= self.cy_para[0]:
                    inb = i + 1
                    inb = i - 1
                if j >= self.cy_para[1]:
                    jnb = j + 1
                    jnb = j - 1
                self.apply_bc_core(0, 0, i, j, inb, jnb)

    def apply_bc_core(self, outer, dr, ibc, jbc, inb, jnb):
        if outer == 1:  # handle outer boundary
            if self.bc_type[dr] == 0:
                self.vel[ibc, jbc] = self.bc_value[dr]

            elif self.bc_type[dr] == 1:
                self.vel[ibc, jbc] = self.vel[inb, jnb]

        self.rho[ibc, jbc] = self.rho[inb, jnb]
        self.f_old[ibc, jbc] = self.f_eq(ibc, jbc) - self.f_eq(inb, jnb) + self.f_old[inb, jnb]

    def solve(self):
        gui = ti.GUI(self.name, (self.nx, 2 * self.ny))
        while not gui.get_event(ti.GUI.ESCAPE, ti.GUI.EXIT):
            for _ in range(10):

            ##  code fragment displaying vorticity is contributed by woclass
            vel = self.vel.to_numpy()
            ugrad = np.gradient(vel[:, :, 0])
            vgrad = np.gradient(vel[:, :, 1])
            vor = ugrad[1] - vgrad[0]
            vel_mag = (vel[:, :, 0] ** 2.0 + vel[:, :, 1] ** 2.0) ** 0.5
            ## color map
            colors = [
                (1, 1, 0),
                (0.953, 0.490, 0.016),
                (0, 0, 0),
                (0.176, 0.976, 0.529),
                (0, 1, 1),
            my_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("my_cmap", colors)
            vor_img = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=-0.02, vmax=0.02), cmap=my_cmap).to_rgba(vor)
            vel_img = cm.plasma(vel_mag / 0.15)
            img = np.concatenate((vor_img, vel_img), axis=1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    flow_case = 0 if len(sys.argv) < 2 else int(sys.argv[1])
    if (flow_case == 0):  # von Karman vortex street: Re = U*D/niu = 200
        lbm = lbm_solver(
            "Karman Vortex Street",
            [0, 0, 1, 0],
            [[0.1, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]],
            [160.0, 100.0, 20.0])
    elif (flow_case == 1):  # lid-driven cavity flow: Re = U*L/niu = 1000
        lbm = lbm_solver(
            "Lid-driven Cavity Flow",
            [0, 0, 0, 0],
            [[0.0, 0.0], [0.1, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]])
        print("Invalid flow case ! Please choose from 0 (Karman Vortex Street) and 1 (Lid-driven Cavity Flow).")