
[Taichi] version 1.6.0, llvm 15.0.4, commit f1c6fbbd, linux, python 3.11.3
[Taichi] Starting on arch=x64
[E 09/30/23 11:20:50.480 226305] [type.h:TypedConstant@605] Not supported.
[E 09/30/23 11:20:50.480 226305] [ir.cpp:~DelayedIRModifier@408] Assertion failure: to_insert_before_.empty()
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >’
已放弃 (核心已转储)
(base) user@user-Syste



import taichi as ti
import numpy as np
import math 


quality = 1
d = 2
n_particles, n_grid = 20000 * quality ** 2, 128 * quality 
E_s, nu_s = 3.537e5, 0.3 # 沙子的杨氏模量和泊松比
mu_s, lambda_s = E_s / (2 * (1 + nu_s)), E_s * nu_s / ((1 + nu_s) * (1 - 2 * nu_s)) # 沙的拉梅常数
xi = 1
kappa =  (2/3)*mu_s+lambda_s
logJp = ti.field(dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # 屈服表面尺寸
beta = 0.5
M = 2.36
state = ti.field(dtype = int, shape = n_particles)  #状态
F_s = ti.Matrix.field(2, 2, dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # deformation gradient

                                   #NACC Plasticity
def deviatoric(AMatrix):
    AMatrix_hat = AMatrix - AMatrix.trace() / d * ti.Matrix.identity(float, 2)
    return AMatrix_hat

def projectStrainNACC(F_s,p):
    U, sig, V = ti.svd(F_s)
    for_sinh = xi * ti.max(-logJp[p],0)
    p0 = kappa * ((0.00001) + 0.5 * (ti.exp(for_sinh) - ti.exp(-for_sinh)))  #0.5 * (ti.exp(J) - ti.exp(-J))
    B_hat_trial = ti.Matrix.identity(float, d)
    J = sig[1,1]*sig[0,0]
    B_hat_trial[0,0] = sig[0,0] * sig[0,0] 
    B_hat_trial[1,1] = sig[1,1] * sig[1,1]   
    s_hat_trial = mu_s * ti.pow(J,-2/d) * deviatoric(B_hat_trial)
    prime = kappa / 2 * (J - 1 / J)
    p_trial = -prime * J

    y_s_half_coeff = (6 - d) / 2 * (1 + 2 * beta)
    y_p_half = M * M * (p_trial + beta * p0) * (p_trial - p0)
    y = y_s_half_coeff * (s_hat_trial**2).sum() + y_p_half
    p_min = beta * p0

    F_new = U @ sig @ V.transpose()
    #Case 1:Project to max tip of YS
    if(p_trial > p0):
        Je_new = ti.sqrt(-2 * p0 / kappa + 1)
        sig = ti.Matrix([[1.0, 0.0],[0.0,1.0]]) * ti.pow(Je_new, 1 / d)
        logJp[p] +=  ti.log(J / Je_new) 
        F_new = U @ sig @ V.transpose()
        state[p] = 1
    #Csat 2:Project to min tip of YS
    elif (p_trial < -p_min):
        Je_new = ti.sqrt(2 * p_min / kappa + 1)
        sig = ti.Matrix([[1.0, 0.0],[0.0,1.0]]) * ti.pow(Je_new, 1 / d)
        logJp[p] +=  ti.log(J / Je_new) 
        F_new = U @ sig @ V.transpose()    
        state[p] = 0

    else : #(p0 > 1e-4 and p_trial < p0 - 1e-4 and p_trial > 1e-4 - p_min):
        p_center = (p0 - p_min) * .5
        q_trial = ti.sqrt((6 - d) / 2) * s_hat_trial.norm()
        direction = ti.Vector([0.0,0.0])
        direction[0] = p_center - p_trial
        direction[1] = 0 - q_trial
        direction = direction / direction.norm()
        C = M * M * (p_center + beta * p0) * (p_center - p0)
        B = M * M * direction[0] * (2 * p_center - p0 + beta * p0)
        A = M * M * direction[0] * direction[0] + (1 + 2 * beta) * direction[1] * direction[1]
        l1 = (-B + ti.sqrt(B * B - 4 * A * C)) / (2 * A)
        l2 = (-B - ti.sqrt(B * B - 4 * A * C)) / (2 * A)
        p1 = p_center + l1 * direction[0]
        p2 = p_center + l2 * direction[0]
        p_fake = p2
        state[p] = 2
        if (p_trial - p_center) * (p1 - p_center) > 0 :
            p_fake = p1
        else :
            p_fake = p2

        Je_new_fake = ti.sqrt(ti.abs(-2 * p_fake / kappa + 1))
        #if(Je_new_fake > 1e-4):
        #logJp[p] +=  ti.log(J / Je_new_fake)
    B_hat_new = ti.pow(J, 2 / d) / mu_s * ti.sqrt(-y_p_half / y_s_half_coeff) * s_hat_trial / s_hat_trial.norm() 
    #B_hat_new += 1 / d * B_hat_trial.sum() * ti.Matrix([[1.0, 0.0],[0.0,1.0]])
    #for i in range(d): 
    #    sig[i,i] = ti.sqrt(B_hat_new[i])     
    return F_new    

def come():
    for p in range(2):
        F_s[p] = ti.Matrix([[1.0, -0.98880],[-0.7880,1.0]])
        new_F = projectStrainNACC(F_s[p],p)




import taichi as ti
import numpy as np
import math 


d = 2

def help():
    F = ti.Matrix([[1.0, -0.98880],[-0.7880,1.0]])
    U, sig, V = ti.svd(F)
    J = sig[1,1]*sig[0,0]
    a = ti.pow(J,-2/d)
    print(a) #bug在这里,直接用1/J就可以打印,但是print(ti.pow)就不行

def gogogo():




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