sparse linear solver gpu下无法运行

我想测试一下刚出来gpu 版本的sparse linear solver,但是一直出现报错。

[Taichi] version 1.3.0, llvm 15.0.1, commit 0f25b95e, win, python 3.9.12
[Taichi] Starting on arch=cuda
[W 01/12/23 11:22:48.829 28548] [C:/Users/Administrator/actions-runner/_work/taichi/taichi/taichi/runtime/llvm/llvm_offline_cache.cpp:load_meta_data@138] Lock C:/taichi_cache/ticache/llvm/metadata.lock failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\shenxing03\Desktop\physical_simulation_from_zero\FEM_new\", line 294, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\shenxing03\Desktop\physical_simulation_from_zero\FEM_new\", line 173, in update_direct
  File "E:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\taichi\linalg\", line 98, in solve
    return self.solver.solve(b.to_numpy())
AttributeError: 'taichi._lib.core.taichi_python.CuSparseSolver' object has no attribute 'solve'
[W 01/12/23 11:24:19.555 28548] [taichi/util/offline_cache.h:run@176] Lock C:/taichi_cache/ticache/llvm/metadata.lock failed
[W 01/12/23 11:24:19.822 28548] [C:/Users/Administrator/actions-runner/_work/taichi/taichi/taichi/runtime/llvm/llvm_offline_cache.cpp:dump@316] Lock C:/taichi_cache/ticache/llvm/metadata.lock failed


import argparse
import numpy as np
import taichi as ti
import time

class Cloth:
    def __init__(self, N):
        self.N = N
        self.NF = 2 * N**2  # number of faces
        self.NV = (N + 1)**2  # number of vertices
        self.NE = 2 * N * (N + 1) + 2 * N * N  # numbser of edges
        self.initPos = ti.Vector.field(2, ti.f32, self.NV)
        self.pos = ti.Vector.field(2, ti.f32, self.NV)
        self.vel = ti.Vector.field(2, ti.f32, self.NV)
        self.force = ti.Vector.field(2, ti.f32, self.NV)
        self.mass = ti.field(ti.f32, self.NV)
        self.spring = ti.Vector.field(2, ti.i32, self.NE)
        self.rest_len = ti.field(ti.f32, self.NE)
        self.ks = 1000.0  # spring stiffness
        self.kf = 1.0e5  # Attachment point stiffness
        self.Jx = ti.Matrix.field(2, 2, ti.f32, self.NE)  # Force Jacobian
        self.Jf = ti.Matrix.field(2, 2, ti.f32, 2)  # Attachment Jacobian

        # For sparse matrix solver, PPT: P45
        max_num_triplets = 10000
        self.MBuilder = ti.linalg.SparseMatrixBuilder(2 * self.NV, 2 * self.NV,
        self.M =
        self.KBuilder = ti.linalg.SparseMatrixBuilder(2 * self.NV, 2 * self.NV,

        # For conjugate gradient method, PPT: P106
        self.x = ti.Vector.field(2, ti.f32, self.NV)
        self.Ax = ti.Vector.field(2, ti.f32, self.NV)
        self.b = ti.Vector.field(2, ti.f32, self.NV)
        self.r = ti.Vector.field(2, ti.f32, self.NV)
        self.d = ti.Vector.field(2, ti.f32, self.NV)
        self.Ad = ti.Vector.field(2, ti.f32, self.NV)

    def init_pos(self):
        for i, j in ti.ndrange(self.N + 1, self.N + 1):
            k = i * (self.N + 1) + j
            self.initPos[k] = ti.Vector([i, j]) / self.N * 0.5 + ti.Vector(
                [0.25, 0.25])
            self.pos[k] = self.initPos[k]
            self.vel[k] = ti.Vector([0, 0])
            self.mass[k] = 1.0

    def init_edges(self):
        pos, spring, N, rest_len = ti.static(self.pos, self.spring, self.N,
        for i, j in ti.ndrange(N + 1, N):
            idx, idx1 = i * N + j, i * (N + 1) + j
            spring[idx] = ti.Vector([idx1, idx1 + 1])
        start = N * (N + 1)
        for i, j in ti.ndrange(N, N + 1):
            idx, idx1, idx2 = start + i + j * N, i * (N + 1) + j, i * (
                N + 1) + j + N + 1
            spring[idx] = ti.Vector([idx1, idx2])
        start = 2 * N * (N + 1)
        for i, j in ti.ndrange(N, N):
            idx, idx1, idx2 = start + i * N + j, i * (N + 1) + j, (i + 1) * (
                N + 1) + j + 1
            spring[idx] = ti.Vector([idx1, idx2])
        start = 2 * N * (N + 1) + N * N
        for i, j in ti.ndrange(N, N):
            idx, idx1, idx2 = start + i * N + j, i * (N + 1) + j + 1, (
                i + 1) * (N + 1) + j
            spring[idx] = ti.Vector([idx1, idx2])
        for i in range(self.NE):
            idx1, idx2 = spring[i]
            rest_len[i] = (pos[idx1] - pos[idx2]).norm()

    def init_mass_sp(self, M: ti.types.sparse_matrix_builder()):
        for i in range(self.NV):
            M[2 * i + 0, 2 * i + 0] += self.mass[i]
            M[2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 1] += self.mass[i]

    def clear_force(self):
        for i in self.force:
            self.force[i] = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0])

    def compute_force(self):
        gravity = ti.Vector([0.0, -2.0])
        for i in self.force:
            self.force[i] += gravity * self.mass[i]

        for i in self.spring:
            idx1, idx2 = self.spring[i][0], self.spring[i][1]
            pos1, pos2 = self.pos[idx1], self.pos[idx2]
            dis = pos1 - pos2
            # Hook's law
            force = self.ks * (dis.norm() -
                               self.rest_len[i]) * dis.normalized()
            self.force[idx1] -= force
            self.force[idx2] += force
        # Attachment constraint force
        self.force[self.N] += self.kf * (self.initPos[self.N] -
        self.force[self.NV - 1] += self.kf * (self.initPos[self.NV - 1] -
                                              self.pos[self.NV - 1])

    def compute_force_Jacobians(self):
        for i in self.spring:
            idx1, idx2 = self.spring[i][0], self.spring[i][1]
            pos1, pos2 = self.pos[idx1], self.pos[idx2]
            dx = pos1 - pos2
            I = ti.Matrix([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
            dxtdx = ti.Matrix([[dx[0] * dx[0], dx[0] * dx[1]],
                               [dx[1] * dx[0], dx[1] * dx[1]]])
            l = dx.norm()
            if l != 0.0:
                l = 1.0 / l
            self.Jx[i] = (I - self.rest_len[i] * l *
                          (I - dxtdx * l**2)) * self.ks
        # Attachment constraint force Jacobian
        self.Jf[0] = ti.Matrix([[-self.kf, 0], [0, -self.kf]])
        self.Jf[1] = ti.Matrix([[-self.kf, 0], [0, -self.kf]])

    def assemble_K(self, K: ti.types.sparse_matrix_builder()):
        for i in self.spring:
            idx1, idx2 = self.spring[i][0], self.spring[i][1]
            for m, n in ti.static(ti.ndrange(2, 2)):
                K[2 * idx1 + m, 2 * idx1 + n] -= self.Jx[i][m, n]
                K[2 * idx1 + m, 2 * idx2 + n] += self.Jx[i][m, n]
                K[2 * idx2 + m, 2 * idx1 + n] += self.Jx[i][m, n]
                K[2 * idx2 + m, 2 * idx2 + n] -= self.Jx[i][m, n]
        for m, n in ti.static(ti.ndrange(2, 2)):
            K[2 * self.N + m, 2 * self.N + n] += self.Jf[0][m, n]
            K[2 * (self.NV - 1) + m, 2 * (self.NV - 1) + n] += self.Jf[1][m, n]

    def directUpdatePosVel(self, h: ti.f32, v_next: ti.types.ndarray()):
        for i in self.pos:
            self.vel[i] = ti.Vector([v_next[2 * i], v_next[2 * i + 1]])
            self.pos[i] += h * self.vel[i]

    def update_direct(self, h):
        # Assemble global system
        K =
        A = self.M - h**2 * K
        solver = ti.linalg.SparseSolver(solver_type="LLT")

        # vel = self.vel.to_numpy().reshape(2 * self.NV)
        # force = self.force.to_numpy().reshape(2 * self.NV)
        # b = h * force + self.M @ vel
        b = self.b.to_numpy().reshape(2 * self.NV)
        v_next = solver.solve(b)
        flag =
        print("solver flag: ", flag)
        self.directUpdatePosVel(h, v_next)

    def cgUpdatePosVel(self, h: ti.f32):
        for i in self.pos:
            self.vel[i] = self.x[i]
            self.pos[i] += h * self.vel[i]

    def compute_RHS(self, h: ti.f32):
        #rhs = b = h * force + M @ v
        for i in range(self.NV):
            self.b[i] = h * self.force[i] + self.mass[i] * self.vel[i]

    def dot(self, v1, v2):
        result = 0.0
        for i in range(self.NV):
            result += v1[i][0] * v2[i][0]
            result += v1[i][1] * v2[i][1]
        return result

    def A_mult_x(self, h, dst, src):
        coeff = -h**2
        for i in range(self.NV):
            dst[i] = self.mass[i] * src[i]
        for i in range(self.NE):
            idx1, idx2 = self.spring[i][0], self.spring[i][1]
            temp = self.Jx[i] @ (src[idx1] - src[idx2])
            dst[idx1] -= coeff * temp
            dst[idx2] += coeff * temp
        # Attachment constraint
        Attachment1, Attachment2 = self.N, self.NV - 1
        dst[Attachment1] -= coeff * self.kf * src[Attachment1]
        dst[Attachment2] -= coeff * self.kf * src[Attachment2]

    # conjugate gradient solving

    def before_ite(self) -> ti.f32:
        for i in range(self.NV):
            self.x[i] = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0])
        self.A_mult_x(h, self.Ax, self.x)  # Ax = A @ x
        for i in range(self.NV):  # r = b - A @ x
            self.r[i] = self.b[i] - self.Ax[i]
        for i in range(self.NV):  # d = r
            self.d[i] = self.r[i]
        delta_new =, self.r)
        return delta_new

    def run_iteration(self, delta_new: ti.f32) -> ti.f32:
        self.A_mult_x(h, self.Ad, self.d)  # Ad = A @ d
        alpha = delta_new /,
                                     self.Ad)  # alpha = (r^T * r) / dot(d, Ad)
        for i in range(self.NV):
            self.x[i] += alpha * self.d[i]  # x^{i+1} = x^{i} + alpha * d
            self.r[i] -= alpha * self.Ad[i]  # r^{i+1} = r^{i} + alpha * Ad
        delta_old = delta_new
        delta_new =, self.r)
        beta = delta_new / delta_old
        for i in range(self.NV):
            self.d[i] = self.r[i] + beta * self.d[
                i]  #p^{i+1} = r^{i+1} + beta * p^{i}
        return delta_new

    def cg(self, h: ti.f32):
        delta_new = self.before_ite()
        ite, iteMax = 0, 2 * self.NV
        while ite < iteMax and delta_new > 1.0e-6:
            delta_new = self.run_iteration(delta_new)
            ite += 1

    def update_cg(self, h):

    def display(self, gui, radius=5, color=0xffffff):
        springs, pos = self.spring.to_numpy(), self.pos.to_numpy()
        line_Begin = np.zeros(shape=(springs.shape[0], 2))
        line_End = np.zeros(shape=(springs.shape[0], 2))
        for i in range(springs.shape[0]):
            idx1, idx2 = springs[i][0], springs[i][1]
            line_Begin[i], line_End[i] = pos[idx1], pos[idx2]
        gui.lines(line_Begin, line_End, radius=2, color=0x0000ff)
        gui.circles(self.pos.to_numpy(), radius, color)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cloth = Cloth(N=5)
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                        help='Solve Ax=b with conjugate gradient method (CG).')
    args, unknowns = parser.parse_known_args()
    use_cg = args.use_cg
    use_cg = False
    gui = ti.GUI('Implicit Mass Spring System', res=(500, 500))
    pause = False
    h, max_step = 0.01, 3
    while gui.running:
        for e in gui.get_events():
            if e.key == gui.ESCAPE:
                gui.running = False
            elif e.key == gui.SPACE:
                pause = not pause
        if not pause:
            for i in range(max_step):
                if use_cg:
1 个赞

我在本地Linux机器上可以重复,应该是一个bug或者是示例代码没有更新。在github上提了issue用来追踪:[bug] Attribute error with sparse linear solver when running implicit_mass_spring_system example · Issue #7141 · taichi-dev/taichi · GitHub

Hi @Xingbaji , 目前CUDA后端上sparse solver不支持直接用field作为线性系统right hand side vector,只能用 ndarray 作为 solve 函数的输入。 目前Taichi的implicit mass spring demo已经给出了CUDA后端使用sparse solver进行直接系统求解的源文件,你可以参考: here

谢谢!您给的代码我在自己的linux上运行良好,但是发现在windows上运行gpu速度特别慢。代码没有进行更改,只是print出来运行时间。运行结果如下, 使用的gpu是GTX2060.

def update(self, h):
    import time
    tic = time.time()

    # Assemble global system
    print('time1 :', time.time() - tic)
    D =

    print('time2 :', time.time() - tic)

    K =
    print('time3 :', time.time() - tic)

    A = self.M - h * D - h**2 * K

    self.copy_to(self.vel_1D, self.vel)
    self.copy_to(self.force_1D, self.force)
    print('time4 :', time.time() - tic)

    # b = (force + h * K @ vel) * h
    Kv = K @ self.vel_1D
    self.compute_b(self.b, self.force_1D, Kv, h)

    # Sparse solver
    print('time5 :', time.time() - tic)

    solver = ti.linalg.SparseSolver(solver_type="LDLT")
    print('time6 :', time.time() - tic)

    # Solve the linear system
    dv = solver.solve(self.b)
    self.updatePosVel(h, dv)
    print('time7 :', time.time() - tic)
time1 : 0.7630009651184082
time2 : 79.29274463653564
time3 : 156.38275575637817
time4 : 156.5447554588318
time5 : 156.61175537109375
time6 : 157.3397765159607
time7 : 157.43277788162231
time1 : 0.0
time2 : 77.1670401096344
time3 : 154.81948947906494
time4 : 154.82148933410645
time5 : 154.82148933410645
time6 : 154.83148884773254
time7 : 154.83148884773254
time1 : 0.0
time2 : 78.87421035766602