

x = ti.var(dt=ti.f32, shape = (3,3))
x[5,5] # Return 0.0


2 个赞

Interesting, I think this could be a per-backend feature.
@yuanming It seems our LLVM backend can automatically detect OOB and return 0.0 on that?
Not sure this works on all backends… @houkensjtu If you have OpenGL or Metal backend, could you try this out?

import taichi as ti

ti.init(arch=ti.opengl)  # ti.metal if you're on Mac machine

x = ti.var(ti.f32, (10, 10))

def init():
    for i, j in x:
        x[i, j] = 10 * i + j

def access():
    print(x[0, 11])


If it works, we may want to add this behavior document :slight_smile:

BTW, FYI, if we initialize Taichi with ti.init(debug=True), out-of-bound will always result in a RuntimeError.

1 个赞

Oh! I found that this behavior only works when the tensor size is not power-of-two:

import taichi as ti

N = 8

x = ti.var(ti.i32, N)

def test():
    for i in x:
        x[i] = 1000 + i
    for i in ti.static(range(-N, 2 * N)):
        print(i, x[i])


N = 8:

-8 1000
-7 1001
-6 1002
-5 1003
-4 1004
-3 1005
-2 1006
-1 1007
0 1000
1 1001
2 1002
3 1003
4 1004
5 1005
6 1006
7 1007
8 1000
9 1001
10 1002
11 1003
12 1004
13 1005
14 1006
15 1007

N = 5:

-5 1003
-4 1004
-3 0
-2 0
-1 0
0 1000
1 1001
2 1002
3 1003
4 1004
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 1000
9 1001

N = 3:

-3 1001
-2 1002
-1 0
0 1000
1 1001
2 1002
3 0
4 1000
5 1001

I think this is related to the tensor layout: Taichi always store tensors in POT.
So when a tensor is non-POT, access OOB will get 0.
When a tensor is POT, access OOB will get x[i % N, j % N].

Anyway, I think we shouldn’t depend too much on this.

1 个赞

这如果是真的话,是不是说比如我建立一个100x100的矩阵,实际则会占领2^14 = 16384的内存空间,因为那是最接近10000的二次幂?



这如果是真的话,是不是说比如我建立一个100x100的矩阵,实际则会占领2^14 = 16384的内存空间,因为那是最接近10000的二次幂?


1 个赞


x = ti.var(dt=ti.f32, shape = (3,3))
x[5,5] # Return 0.0
x[10000,10000] # Also return 0.0!?


I believe if you use ti.init(debug=True) then x[10000, 10000] will give you an error :slight_smile:

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