

[Taichi] version 0.8.6, llvm 10.0.0, commit d5f18ffd, osx, python 3.8.1


我利用Explicit FEM方法实现弹簧。但STVK本构模型会出现弹簧自折叠的表现,Co-rotated则不会。请问是我的实现方式有问题,还是STVK模型本身的原因啊?




    # gradient of elastic potential
    for i in range(N_triangles):
        Ds = compute_D(i)
        F = Ds@elements_Dm_inv[i]
        # co-rotated linear elasticity
        R = compute_R_2D(F)
        Eye = ti.Matrix.cols([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
        if model == 1:
            # Strain stress
            Estvk = 0.5 * (F.transpose() @ F - Eye)
            # first Piola-Kirchhoff tensor
            P = F @ (2 * LameMu[None] * Estvk + LameLa[None] * Estvk.trace() * Eye)
            #assemble to gradient
            H = elements_V0[i] * P @ (elements_Dm_inv[i].transpose())
            a,b,c = triangles[i][0],triangles[i][1],triangles[i][2]
            gb = ti.Vector([H[0,0], H[1, 0]])
            gc = ti.Vector([H[0,1], H[1, 1]])
            ga = -gb-gc
            grad[a] += ga
            grad[b] += gb
            grad[c] += gc
        elif model == 2:
            # first Piola-Kirchhoff tensor- SameWay,diff write
            # P = 2*LameMu[None]*(F-R) + LameLa[None]*((R.transpose())@F-Eye).trace()*R

            # Strain stress
            Co_rotated = (R.transpose())@F-Eye
            # first Piola-Kirchhoff tensor
            P = R @ (2 * LameMu[None] * Co_rotated + LameLa[None] * Co_rotated.trace() * Eye)
            #assemble to gradient
            H = elements_V0[i] * P @ (elements_Dm_inv[i].transpose())
            a,b,c = triangles[i][0],triangles[i][1],triangles[i][2]
            gb = ti.Vector([H[0,0], H[1, 0]])
            gc = ti.Vector([H[0,1], H[1, 1]])
            ga = -gb-gc
            grad[a] += ga
            grad[b] += gb
            grad[c] += gc

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