Hello! 做这回作业的时候感觉有一下这些问题:
请问用Taichi的并行计算有可能实现Gauss-Siedel 方法而不是Jacobi方法嘛?
(因为感觉上好像是可以的,但是自己试了一下,发现中途调用用于输出的变量的时候,没有什么效果。P.S. 如果理论上可行的话,我再在后面po自己尝试的代码吧:)) -
(也是自己之前试了下 好像不可以…) -
AssertionError: The 0-th index of a Matrix/Vector must be a compile-time constant integer, got <taichi.lang.expr.Expr object at 0x00000239F998D580>
为什么要有这个规定呢?感觉不太方便呀 (横向或者竖向遍历某张量中的最底层的数值元素) -
A s s e r t i o n f a i l e d : g e t O p e r a n d ( 0 ) - > g e t T y p e ( ) = = c a s t < P o i n t e r T y p e > ( g e t O p e r a n d ( 1 ) - > g e t T y p e ( ) ) - > g e t E l e m e n t T y p e ( ) & & " P t r m u s t b e a p o i n t e r t o V a l t y p e ! " , f i l e e : \ r e p o s \ l l v m - 8 . 0 . 1 \ l i b \ i r \ i n s t r u c t i o n s . c p p , l i n e 1 2 1 0
Init the parameters in this system:
(Implicit Euler 确实是 unconditionally stable 的呀:))
import taichi as ti
import numpy as np
pixels = ti.var(ti.u8, shape=(512, 512, 3))
max_num_particles = 256
dt = 8e-3
num_particles = ti.var(ti.i32, shape=())
spring_stiffness = ti.var(ti.f32, shape=())
paused = ti.var(ti.i32, shape=())
damping = ti.var(ti.f32, shape=())
particle_mass = 1
bottom_y = 0.05
x = ti.Vector(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=max_num_particles)
v = ti.Vector(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=max_num_particles)
new_v = ti.var(dt=ti.f32, shape=2*max_num_particles)
diff_vec = ti.var(dt=ti.f32, shape=2*max_num_particles)
A = ti.Matrix(2, 2, dt=ti.f32, shape=(max_num_particles, max_num_particles))
b = ti.Vector(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=max_num_particles)
# rest_length[i, j] = 0 means i and j are not connected
rest_length = ti.var(ti.f32, shape=(max_num_particles, max_num_particles))
A_implicit = ti.Matrix(2, 2, dt=ti.f32, shape=(max_num_particles, max_num_particles))
b_implicit = ti.Vector(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=max_num_particles)
connection_radius = 0.15
gravity = [0, -9.8]
def createEqn():
# Construct A_implicit Matrix:
n = num_particles[None]
mass_inv = 1.0 / particle_mass
for tensor_ele_idx in range(n * n):
# Construct original Jacobian matrix's elements (2x2):
tensor_ele_idx_row = tensor_ele_idx // n
tensor_ele_idx_col = tensor_ele_idx - tensor_ele_idx_row * n
if tensor_ele_idx_row == tensor_ele_idx_col:
# Populate diagonal elements in the tensor:
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 0] = 0
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 1] = 0
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 0] = 0
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 1] = 0
for j in range(n):
if rest_length[tensor_ele_idx_row, j] != 0:
xdt = x[tensor_ele_idx_row]
xjt = x[j]
dist = (xdt - xjt).norm()
ti_dist_pow_n3 = ti.pow(dist, -3)
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 0] += -spring_stiffness[None] * (
rest_length[tensor_ele_idx_row, j] * ti_dist_pow_n3 * (xdt[0] - xjt[0]) * (
xdt[0] - xjt[0]) - rest_length[tensor_ele_idx, j] * ti.pow(dist, -1) + 1)
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 1] += -spring_stiffness[None] * rest_length[
tensor_ele_idx_row, j] * ti_dist_pow_n3 * (xdt[0] - xjt[0]) * (xdt[1] - xjt[1])
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 0] += -spring_stiffness[None] * rest_length[
tensor_ele_idx_row, j] * ti_dist_pow_n3 * (xdt[0] - xjt[0]) * (xdt[1] - xjt[1])
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 1] += -spring_stiffness[None] * (
rest_length[tensor_ele_idx_row, j] * ti_dist_pow_n3 * (xdt[1] - xjt[1]) * (
xdt[1] - xjt[1]) - rest_length[tensor_ele_idx, j] * ti.pow(dist, -1) + 1)
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 0] = 1.0 - dt * dt * mass_inv * A_implicit[
tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 0]
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 1] = - dt * dt * mass_inv * A_implicit[
tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 1]
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 0] = - dt * dt * mass_inv * A_implicit[
tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 0]
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 1] = 1.0 - dt * dt * mass_inv * A_implicit[
tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 1]
elif rest_length[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col] != 0:
# Populate elements that have a connection:
xrt = x[tensor_ele_idx_row]
xct = x[tensor_ele_idx_col]
dist = (xrt - xct).norm()
dist_pow_n3 = ti.pow(dist, -3)
lrc = rest_length[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col]
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 0] = -spring_stiffness[None] * (
-lrc * dist_pow_n3 * (xrt[0] - xct[0]) * (xrt[0] - xct[0]) + lrc * ti.pow(dist, -1) - 1)
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 1] = spring_stiffness[None] * lrc * dist_pow_n3 * (
xrt[0] - xct[0]) * (xrt[1] - xct[1])
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 0] = spring_stiffness[None] * lrc * dist_pow_n3 * (
xrt[0] - xct[0]) * (xrt[1] - xct[1])
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 1] = -spring_stiffness[None] * (
-lrc * dist_pow_n3 * (xrt[1] - xct[1]) * (xrt[1] - xct[1]) + lrc * ti.pow(dist, -1) - 1)
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 0] = - dt * dt * mass_inv * A_implicit[
tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 0]
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 1] = - dt * dt * mass_inv * A_implicit[
tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 1]
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 0] = - dt * dt * mass_inv * A_implicit[
tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 0]
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 1] = - dt * dt * mass_inv * A_implicit[
tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 1]
# Populate zeros:
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 0] = 0
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][0, 1] = 0
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 0] = 0
A_implicit[tensor_ele_idx_row, tensor_ele_idx_col][1, 1] = 0
# Construct b_implicit Vector:
for i in range(n):
# Calculate the overall force on this point:
total_force = ti.Vector(gravity) * particle_mass
for j in range(n):
if rest_length[i, j] != 0:
x_ij = x[i] - x[j]
total_force += -spring_stiffness[None] * (x_ij.norm() - rest_length[i, j]) * x_ij.normalized()
b_implicit[i] = v[n] + dt * mass_inv * total_force
def iterate(A_implicit_np: ti.ext_arr(), b_implicit_np: ti.ext_arr(), v_np: ti.ext_arr()) -> ti.f32:
n = num_particles[None]
residual = 1
for i in range(2 * n):
i_tensor_ele_idx_row = i // 2
i_internal_ele_idx_row = i % 2
temp = b_implicit_np[i_tensor_ele_idx_row, i_internal_ele_idx_row]
for j in range(2 * n):
if i != j:
j_tensor_ele_idx_col = j // 2
j_internal_ele_idx_col = j % 2
temp -= A_implicit_np[i_tensor_ele_idx_row, j_tensor_ele_idx_col, i_internal_ele_idx_row, j_internal_ele_idx_col] * v_np[j_tensor_ele_idx_col, j_internal_ele_idx_col]
# Divide everything by the coefficient of that unknown
new_v[i] = temp / A_implicit_np[i_tensor_ele_idx_row, i_tensor_ele_idx_row, i_internal_ele_idx_row, i_internal_ele_idx_row]
# Calculate the residual of this iteration by using infinite norm:
norm1 = -1.0
norm2 = -1.0
for i in range(2 * n):
i_tensor_ele_idx = i // 2
i_internal_ele_idx = i % 2
diff_vec[i] = v_np[i_tensor_ele_idx, i_internal_ele_idx] - new_v[i]
if ti.abs(diff_vec[i]) > norm1:
norm1 = ti.abs(diff_vec[i])
if ti.abs(v_np[i_tensor_ele_idx, i_internal_ele_idx]) > norm2:
norm2 = ti.abs(v_np[i_tensor_ele_idx, i_internal_ele_idx])
residual = norm1 / norm2
# Update the unknown vector:
for i in range(n):
v[i][0] = new_v[2 * i]
v[i][1] = new_v[2 * i + 1]
return residual
def substep():
n = num_particles[None]
# Collide with ground
for i in range(n):
if x[i].y < bottom_y:
x[i].y = bottom_y
v[i].y = 0
# Compute new position
for i in range(num_particles[None]):
x[i] += v[i] * dt
def new_particle(pos_x: ti.f32, pos_y: ti.f32): # Taichi doesn't support using Matrices as kernel arguments yet
new_particle_id = num_particles[None]
x[new_particle_id] = [pos_x, pos_y]
v[new_particle_id] = [0, 0]
num_particles[None] += 1
# Connect with existing particles
for i in range(new_particle_id):
dist = (x[new_particle_id] - x[i]).norm()
if dist < connection_radius:
rest_length[i, new_particle_id] = 0.1
rest_length[new_particle_id, i] = 0.1
gui = ti.GUI('Mass Spring System', res=(512, 512), background_color=0xdddddd)
result_dir = "./results"
video_manger = ti.VideoManager(output_dir=result_dir, framerate=24, automatic_build=False)
spring_stiffness[None] = 10000
damping[None] = 20
new_particle(0.3, 0.3)
new_particle(0.3, 0.4)
new_particle(0.4, 0.4)
while True:
for e in gui.get_events(ti.GUI.PRESS):
if e.key in [ti.GUI.ESCAPE, ti.GUI.EXIT]:
elif e.key == gui.SPACE:
paused[None] = not paused[None]
elif e.key == ti.GUI.LMB:
new_particle(e.pos[0], e.pos[1])
elif e.key == 'c':
num_particles[None] = 0
elif e.key == 's':
if gui.is_pressed('Shift'):
spring_stiffness[None] /= 1.1
spring_stiffness[None] *= 1.1
elif e.key == 'd':
if gui.is_pressed('Shift'):
damping[None] /= 1.1
damping[None] *= 1.1
if not paused[None]:
# substep:
for ss in range(8):
# Construct A, b vectors:
b_implicit_np = b_implicit.to_numpy()
A_implicit_np = A_implicit.to_numpy()
# Get solution by using Jacobian method. Stop it when its residual is small enough:
residual = 1000
while residual > 0.001:
v_np = v.to_numpy()
residual = iterate(A_implicit_np, b_implicit_np, v_np)
# Step forward:
X = x.to_numpy()
gui.circles(X[:num_particles[None]], color=0xffaa77, radius=5)
gui.line(begin=(0.0, bottom_y), end=(1.0, bottom_y), color=0x0, radius=1)
for i in range(num_particles[None]):
for j in range(i + 1, num_particles[None]):
if rest_length[i, j] != 0:
gui.line(begin=X[i], end=X[j], radius=2, color=0x445566)
gui.text(content=f'C: clear all; Space: pause', pos=(0, 0.95), color=0x0)
gui.text(content=f'S: Spring stiffness {spring_stiffness[None]:.1f}', pos=(0, 0.9), color=0x0)
gui.text(content=f'D: damping {damping[None]:.2f}', pos=(0, 0.85), color=0x0)