Homework 0: Volumetric Light

import taichi as ti
import numpy as np
import math
import time


def vec(*xs):
  return ti.Vector(list(xs))

pixel = ti.var(ti.f32, (512, 512))
shadow = ti.var(ti.f32, (256, 256, 256))
#forward = ti.Vector(3, ti.f32, ())
iTime = ti.var(ti.f32, ())

def scene(p):
  c = ti.cos(iTime[None])
  s = ti.sin(iTime[None])
  t1 = ti.Matrix([
    [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
    [0.0, c, -s],
    [0.0, s, c],
  c = ti.cos(iTime[None] * 1.2)
  s = ti.sin(iTime[None] * 1.2)
  t2 = ti.Matrix([
    [c, 0.0, s],
    [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
    [-s, 0.0, c],
  return ti.abs(t1 @ t2 @ p).max() - 0.1 - s * 0.06

def phase(a, b):
  cos = a.dot(b)# / (a.norm() * b.norm())
  #return (0.1875 / math.pi) / (1 - cos ** 2)
  return (0.1875 / math.pi) * (1 + cos ** 2)

def extinAt(p):
  return 0.9

def absorAt(p):
  return 0.4

def shadowAt(p):
  p = (p + 2) * 0.25
  I = ti.cast(p * 256, ti.i32)
  shad = 1 - shadow[I]
  return shad

def render_shadow():
  light = vec(0.0, 0.8, 0.4).normalized()
  dstep = 0.006

  for I in ti.grouped(shadow):
    shadow[I] = 0
    #trans = 1.0
    p = I * (4 / 256) - 2
    for i in range(250):
      p = p - light * dstep
      sdf = scene(p)
      if sdf < 0.0:
        shadow[I] = 1

def lightAt(p, d):
  light = vec(0.0, 0.8, 0.4).normalized()
  dstep = 0.006

  trans = 1.0
  shad = shadowAt(p)
  for i in range(250):
    p = p + d * dstep
    trans *= ti.exp(-dstep * extinAt(p))

  return 20 * trans * shad

def radiance(p, d):
  light = vec(0.0, 0.8, 0.4).normalized()
  dstep = 0.006

  trans = 1.0
  total = 0.0
  for i in range(250):
    p = p + d * dstep
    sdf = scene(p)
    if sdf < 0.0:
      total = 1.0
    insca = extinAt(p) - absorAt(p)
    total += trans * lightAt(p, d) * insca * phase(light, d) * dstep
  return total

def render():
  # Thanks to the issue #1109:
  #fwd = forward[None]
  #up = fwd.cross(vec(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)).normalized()
  #right = up.cross(fwd)
  #cam = ti.Matrix(cols=[fwd, right, up])
  #o = -1.0 * fwd
  o = vec(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  for i, j in pixel:
    d = (vec(2.0, 2.0 / 512 * i - 1, 2.0 / 512 * j - 1)).normalized()
    p = o
    pixel[i, j] = radiance(p, d)

gui = ti.GUI('Volumetric Light')
while True:
  for e in gui.get_events():
    if e.key == ti.GUI.ESCAPE:
  for i in range(4):
    iTime[None] = iTime[None] + 0.01

1 个赞

Seeing many classmates uploading ray-marching homework and arguing Taichi doesn’t have 3D examples, here’s mine.

Thanks for your example.
I try it on my side.
The performance of OpenGL is quiet low (FPS around 5).
But, it would be worse if initializing tai with gpu or cuda.
I think, maybe, OpenGL is more efficient to drive the gpu card than tai.

Cool! I think this demo is better presented using a video. A single static image makes the shadow hard to see.

This reminds me of a shadertoy demo: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/Xdf3zB

By using ffmpeg, I’ve made a gif.
But I did’t find a good timestamp to cycle this gif.


3 个赞