Homework 0: General Linear Camera

Yu, Jingyi, and Leonard McMillan. “General linear cameras.” European Conference on Computer Vision . Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004.


import taichi as ti
import math


kWidth = 800
kHeight = 600
pixels = ti.Vector(3, dt=ti.f32, shape = (kWidth, kHeight))

def mesh_texture(uv, uscale, vscale, bright_color) -> ti.Vector:
    s = uv[0] * uscale
    t = uv[1] * vscale
    s = s - ti.cast(s, ti.i32)
    t = t - ti.cast(t, ti.i32)
    color = bright_color
    if s < 0.05 or t < 0.05 or s > 1-0.05 or t > 1-0.05:
        color = ti.Vector([0.05, 0.05, 0.05])

    return color

def sphere_pos_to_uv(local_pos) -> ti.Vector:
    p = local_pos.normalized()
    # p.y = cos(theta)
    theta = ti.acos(p[1])
    phi = ti.atan2(p[2], p[0])
    if phi < 0:
        phi += math.pi
    return ti.Vector([phi / (2*math.pi), theta / math.pi])

def intersect_sphere(ray_o, ray_dir):
    isect_pos = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 1000000000.0])
    isect_normal = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    isect_uv = ti.Vector([-1.0, -1.0])
    # Intersects the ray with a sphere.
    # ---------------------------------
    # (ro + t*rd - sphere_center)^2 = radius^2
    # (t*rd)^2 + (ro - sc)^2 + 2*(t*rd)*(ro-sc) = radius^2
    kSphereCenter = ti.Vector([2.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    kRadius = 1.0
    a = ray_dir.dot(ray_dir)
    b = 2*ray_dir.dot(ray_o - kSphereCenter)
    c = (ray_o - kSphereCenter).dot(ray_o - kSphereCenter) - kRadius**2

    # Solves the quadratic a * t^2 + b * t + c = 0
    delta = b*b - 4*a*c
    t_candidate = math.inf
    if delta < 0:
        t0 = (-b + ti.sqrt(delta)) / (2*a)
        t1 = (-b - ti.sqrt(delta)) / (2*a)
        # `a` is positive so t0 is larger than t1.
        if (t1 > t0): 
            t1, t0 = t0, t1
        t_candidate = t1
        if t_candidate < 0:
            t_candidate = t0
        if t_candidate > 0:
            isect_pos = ray_o + t_candidate * ray_dir
            isect_normal = (isect_pos - kSphereCenter).normalized()
            isect_uv = sphere_pos_to_uv(isect_pos - kSphereCenter)
            # If both t0 and t1 are negative, then the ray doesn't hit the sphere.
            # ray_t value can be considered math.inf then.
            t_candidate = math.inf
    return isect_pos, isect_normal, isect_uv, t_candidate

# Computes intersection with floor (plane y = 0).
def intersect_floor(ray_o, ray_dir):
    floor_normal = ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    # Solves the formula: ray_o.y + t*ray_dir.y = 0
    isect_pos = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    isect_normal = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    isect_uv = ti.Vector([-1.0, -1.0])
    t = -ray_o[1] / ray_dir[1]
    if t < 0:
        # Floor is behind the ray.
        t = math.inf
        isect_pos = ray_o + t*ray_dir
        isect_normal = floor_normal
        isect_uv = ti.Vector([isect_pos[0], isect_pos[2]])
        isect_uv -= ti.floor(isect_uv)
        # The floor is finite-sized.
        if ti.abs(isect_pos[0]) > 10 or ti.abs(isect_pos[2]) > 10:
            t = math.inf
    return (isect_pos, isect_normal, isect_uv, t)

# Computes intersection with an AABB cube.
def intersect_cube(ray_o, ray_dir):
    # x: [-1.5, 0.5], y: [0, 2], z: [-1, 1]
    xmin, xmax = -1.5, 0.5
    ymin, ymax = 0.0, 2.0
    zmin, zmax = -1, 1

    # Solves: ro + t*rd == [x|y|z][min|max]
    t_side_a = (ti.Vector([xmin, ymin, zmin]) - ray_o) / ray_dir
    t_side_b = (ti.Vector([xmax, ymax, zmax]) - ray_o) / ray_dir
    txmin = ti.min(t_side_a[0], t_side_b[0])
    tymin = ti.min(t_side_a[1], t_side_b[1])
    tzmin = ti.min(t_side_a[2], t_side_b[2])
    txmax = ti.max(t_side_a[0], t_side_b[0])
    tymax = ti.max(t_side_a[1], t_side_b[1])
    tzmax = ti.max(t_side_a[2], t_side_b[2])

    tmin_argmax = 2 
    if txmin > tzmin:
        tmin_argmax = 0
    if tymin > txmin and tymin > tzmin:
        tmin_argmax = 1

    isect_pos, isect_normal, isect_uv = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), \
                                        ti.Vector([-1.0, -1.0])
    t = math.inf

    t_earliest_exit = ti.min(txmax, ti.min(tymax, tzmax))
    t_latest_enter = ti.max(txmin, ti.max(tymin, tzmin))

    if t_earliest_exit < t_latest_enter:
    elif tmin_argmax == 0:
        t = txmin
        isect_pos = ray_o + t * ray_dir
        isect_normal = ti.Vector([-ray_dir[0], 0.0, 0.0])
        isect_uv = ti.Vector([isect_pos[1], isect_pos[2]])
    elif tmin_argmax == 1:
        t = tymin
        isect_pos = ray_o + t * ray_dir
        isect_normal = ti.Vector([0.0, -ray_dir[1], 0.0])
        isect_uv = ti.Vector([isect_pos[2], isect_pos[0]])
        t = tzmin
        isect_pos = ray_o + t * ray_dir
        isect_normal = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, -ray_dir[2]])
        isect_uv = ti.Vector([isect_pos[0], isect_pos[1]])
    isect_uv = isect_uv - ti.floor(isect_uv)

    return (isect_pos, isect_normal, isect_uv, t)

# Computes the closest intersection from the ray to the scene.
# The scene data is hard-coded inside this function.
def compute_radiance(ray_o, ray_dir):
    isect_pos = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 1000000000.0])
    isect_normal = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    isect_uv = ti.Vector([-1.0, -1.0])
    ray_t = math.inf

    radiance = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    sphere_pos, sphere_normal, sphere_uv, sphere_t = intersect_sphere(ray_o, ray_dir)
    if sphere_t < ray_t:
        ray_t = sphere_t - 1e-6
        isect_pos, isect_normal, isect_uv = sphere_pos, sphere_normal, sphere_uv
        radiance = mesh_texture(isect_uv, 32, 16, ti.Vector([0.4, 0.8, 0.6]))

    cube_pos, cube_normal, cube_uv, cube_t = intersect_cube(ray_o, ray_dir)
    if cube_t < ray_t:
        ray_t = cube_t - 1e-6
        isect_pos, isect_normal, isect_uv = cube_pos, cube_normal, cube_uv
        radiance = mesh_texture(isect_uv, 4, 4, ti.Vector([0.4, 0.6, 0.8]))

    plane_pos, plane_normal, plane_uv, plane_t = intersect_floor(ray_o, ray_dir)
    if plane_t < ray_t:
        ray_t = plane_t - 1e-6
        isect_pos, isect_normal, isect_uv = plane_pos, plane_normal, plane_uv
        radiance = mesh_texture(isect_uv, 2, 2, ti.Vector([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]))
    return ray_t < math.inf, radiance

def compute_barycentric_coord(a: ti.Vector, b: ti.Vector, c: ti.Vector, p: ti.Vector) -> ti.Vector:
    # S_abp = ab x ap / 2
    # S_abc = ab x ac / 2
    (pa, pb, pc) = a-p, b-p, c-p
    (ca, cb) = a-c, b-c
    S_abp = pa[0] * pb[1] - pa[1] * pb[0]
    S_bcp = pb[0] * pc[1] - pb[1] * pc[0]
    S_cap = pc[0] * pa[1] - pc[1] * pa[0]
    S_abc = ca[0] * cb[1] - ca[1] * cb[0]
    return ti.Vector([S_bcp / S_abc, S_cap / S_abc, S_abp / S_abc])

def paint(frame_count: ti.f32):
    distance = frame_count / 400 + 1
    camera_c = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, distance])

    # Defines the GLC.
    GLC_rotate_angle = 0.3  # Change angle to 0 for a standard pinhole camera.
    cos_angle, sin_angle = ti.cos(GLC_rotate_angle), ti.sin(GLC_rotate_angle)
    GLC_rotater = ti.Matrix([[cos_angle, -sin_angle], [sin_angle, cos_angle]])

    A1 = GLC_rotater @ ti.Vector([0.0, 0.7])
    B1 = GLC_rotater @ ti.Vector([-0.7, -0.7])
    C1 = GLC_rotater @ ti.Vector([0.7, -0.7])

    A0 = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.4])
    B0 = ti.Vector([-0.4, -0.4])
    C0 = ti.Vector([0.4, -0.4])

    # Computes the transform to a rotating camera.
    # --------------------------------------------
    camera_rotation_radius = 6.0
    # Camera rotates around the scene about 6 seconds a period.
    camera_rotation_phi = frame_count / 200
    # Camera looks slightly down upon the y=0 plane. 
    camera_rotation_theta = math.pi / 3 

    camera_c = camera_rotation_radius * \
            ti.Vector([ti.sin(camera_rotation_theta) * ti.cos(camera_rotation_phi),
                       ti.sin(camera_rotation_theta) * ti.sin(camera_rotation_phi)])
    forward = ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], dt=ti.f32) - camera_c
    up = ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], dt=ti.f32)
    # right x up = -forward -> up x -forward = right
    right = (forward.cross(up)).normalized()
    up = (right.cross(forward)).normalized()
    forward = forward.normalized()

    camera_orientation = ti.Matrix(cols = [right, up, -forward])
    kNumMSAA = 16
    kMSAASide = 4

    for (i, j) in pixels:
        bg_color = ti.Vector([0.2, 0.2, 0.2])

        radiance_sum = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        for oi in range(kNumMSAA):
            offset = [(oi %  kMSAASide) / kMSAASide + 0.5/kMSAASide, 
                      (oi // kMSAASide) / kMSAASide + 0.5/kMSAASide]

            # Computes the ray origin and dir using GLC.
            near_point = ti.Vector([(i+offset[0]) * 2.0 / kWidth - 1,
                                    (j+offset[1]) * 2.0 / kWidth - 1])
            bc_coord = compute_barycentric_coord(A0, B0, C0, near_point)
            far_point = A1*bc_coord[0] + B1*bc_coord[1] + C1*bc_coord[2]

            ray_o = ti.Vector([near_point[0], near_point[1], 0.0])
            ray_dir = ti.Vector([far_point[0] - near_point[0], far_point[1] - near_point[1], -1.0])
            ray_o = (camera_orientation @ ray_o) + camera_c
            ray_dir = (camera_orientation @ ray_dir).normalized()

            (is_hit, radiance) = compute_radiance(ray_o, ray_dir)
            if is_hit:
                radiance_sum += radiance
                radiance_sum += bg_color
        pixels[i, j] = radiance_sum / kNumMSAA

gui = ti.GUI("General Linear Camera", res=(kWidth, kHeight))
print('>> pixels[0, 0] = ', pixels[0,0])
for i in range(800):
5 个赞

这个整齐划一的格子强迫症看了表示很舒适… :+1:

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