Homework 0: General Linear Camera + Volumetric Light

首先感谢@ zixun 和 @ archibate
我是Computer Vision小白,之前可视化结果都是调用WPF或者CUDA API。

P.S. taiqi有自动输出gif的功能吗?

import taichi as ti

import numpy as np

import math

import time


def vec(*xs):

  return ti.Vector(list(xs))

base_size = 256

pixel = ti.var(ti.f32, (2*base_size, 2*base_size))

shadow = ti.var(ti.f32, (base_size, base_size, base_size))

fram_iter = ti.var(ti.i32, ())


def rlight():

  return vec(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0).normalized()


def rdstep():

  return 0.006


def rrange():

  return 750


def intersect_cube(ray_o, ray_dir):

    xmin, xmax = -1.0, 1.0

    ymin, ymax = -1.0, 1.0

    zmin, zmax = -1.0, 1.0

    # Solves: ro + t*rd == [x|y|z][min|max]

    t_side_a = (vec(xmin, ymin, zmin) - ray_o) / ray_dir

    t_side_b = (vec(xmax, ymax, zmax) - ray_o) / ray_dir

    txmin = ti.min(t_side_a[0], t_side_b[0])

    tymin = ti.min(t_side_a[1], t_side_b[1])

    tzmin = ti.min(t_side_a[2], t_side_b[2])

    txmax = ti.max(t_side_a[0], t_side_b[0])

    tymax = ti.max(t_side_a[1], t_side_b[1])

    tzmax = ti.max(t_side_a[2], t_side_b[2])

    tmin_argmax = 1.0

    if txmin > tzmin:

        tmin_argmax = 0

    if tymin > txmin and tymin > tzmin:

        tmin_argmax = 1

    t = math.inf

    t_earliest_exit = ti.min(txmax, ti.min(tymax, tzmax))

    t_latest_enter = ti.max(txmin, ti.max(tymin, tzmin))

    if t_earliest_exit < t_latest_enter:


    elif tmin_argmax == 0:

        t = txmin

    elif tmin_argmax == 1:

        t = tymin


        t = tzmin
    return t


def rayleigh_phase(light_dir, ray_dir):

  cos = light_dir.dot(ray_dir)

  return (0.1875 / math.pi) * (1 + cos ** 2)


def phase_at_surface(light_dir, ray_dir, cube_pos):

    realy_phase = 1.0

    if(cube_pos[0] > -1.0):

        realy_phase = rayleigh_phase(light_dir, ray_dir)

    return realy_phase


def extinAt(p):

  return 0.9


def lightAt(p, d, length):

  trans = 1.0

  trans *= ti.exp(- rdstep() * length * extinAt(p))

  return 40 * trans


def radiance(ray_o, ray_dir):

    trans = 1.0

    total = 0.0

    ray_t = math.inf

    cube_t = intersect_cube(ray_o, ray_dir)

    insca = 0.9

    if(cube_t < ray_t):

        tmp_len = int(cube_t/rdstep())   

        for i in range(tmp_len):

            total += trans * lightAt(ray_o, ray_dir, tmp_len) * insca * rayleigh_phase(rlight(), ray_dir) * rdstep()   


        for i in range(rrange()):

            total += trans * lightAt(ray_o, ray_dir, rrange()) * insca * rayleigh_phase(rlight(), ray_dir) * rdstep()

    return total


def compute_barycentric_coord(a: ti.Vector, b: ti.Vector, c: ti.Vector, p: ti.Vector) -> ti.Vector:

    # S_abp = ab x ap / 2

    # S_abc = ab x ac / 2

    (pa, pb, pc) = a-p, b-p, c-p

    (ca, cb) = a-c, b-c

    S_abp = pa[0] * pb[1] - pa[1] * pb[0]

    S_bcp = pb[0] * pc[1] - pb[1] * pc[0]

    S_cap = pc[0] * pa[1] - pc[1] * pa[0]

    S_abc = ca[0] * cb[1] - ca[1] * cb[0]

    return ti.Vector([S_bcp / S_abc, S_cap / S_abc, S_abp / S_abc])


def defineGLC(frame_count: ti.f32):

    distance = frame_count / 400 + 1

    camera_c = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, distance])

    # Defines the GLC.

    GLC_rotate_angle = 0.0  # Change angle to 0 for a standard pinhole camera.

    cos_angle, sin_angle = ti.cos(GLC_rotate_angle), ti.sin(GLC_rotate_angle)

    GLC_rotater = ti.Matrix([[cos_angle, -sin_angle], [sin_angle, cos_angle]])

    # Computes the transform to a rotating camera.

    # --------------------------------------------

    camera_rotation_radius = 6.0

    # Camera rotates around the scene about 6 seconds a period.

    camera_rotation_phi = frame_count / 200

    # Camera looks slightly down upon the y=0 plane. 

    camera_rotation_theta = math.pi / 3

    camera_c = camera_rotation_radius * \

            ti.Vector([ti.sin(camera_rotation_theta) * ti.cos(camera_rotation_phi),


                       ti.sin(camera_rotation_theta) * ti.sin(camera_rotation_phi)])

    forward = ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], dt=ti.f32) - camera_c

    up = ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], dt=ti.f32)

    # right x up = -forward -> up x -forward = right

    right = (forward.cross(up)).normalized()

    up = (right.cross(forward)).normalized()

    forward = forward.normalized()

    camera_orientation = ti.Matrix(cols = [right, up, -forward])

    return GLC_rotater, camera_c, camera_orientation


def render(frame_count: ti.f32):


    GLC_rotater, camera_c, camera_orientation = defineGLC(frame_count)

    A1 = GLC_rotater @ ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0])

    B1 = GLC_rotater @ ti.Vector([-1.0, -1.0])

    C1 = GLC_rotater @ ti.Vector([1.0, -1.0])

    A0 = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.5])

    B0 = ti.Vector([-0.5, -0.5])

    C0 = ti.Vector([0.5, -0.5])

    resolution = 2*base_size

    for i, j in pixel:

        # Computes the ray origin and dir using GLC.

        near_point = ti.Vector([i *2.0 / resolution - 1, j * 2.0 / resolution - 1])

        bc_coord = compute_barycentric_coord(A0, B0, C0, near_point)

        far_point = A1*bc_coord[0] + B1*bc_coord[1] + C1*bc_coord[2]

        ray_o = ti.Vector([near_point[0], near_point[1], 0.0])

        ray_dir = ti.Vector([far_point[0] - near_point[0], far_point[1] - near_point[1], -1.0])

        ray_o = (camera_orientation @ ray_o) + camera_c

        ray_dir = (camera_orientation @ ray_dir).normalized()

        pixel[i, j] = radiance(ray_o, ray_dir)

def main():

    gui = ti.GUI('Volumetric Light + General Linear Camera')

    fram_iter[None] = 0

    while True:

        for e in gui.get_events():

            if e.key == ti.GUI.ESCAPE:





        fram_iter[None] += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':

2 个赞


import taichi as ti

import taichi as ti
1 个赞
