利用taichi实现linear bvh

请问有基于GPU并利用taichi实现linear bvh的例子嘛




from utils import *
from scene import Scene
from sort import *

BvhNode = ti.types.struct(bound=Bound, left=ti.i32, right=ti.i32, primitive=ti.i32, parent=ti.i32)

def is_leaf(node: BvhNode):
    return node.primitive != -1

def left_3_shift(x: ti.u32):
    # from pbrt
    if x == (1 << 10):
        x -= 1
    x = (x | (x << 16)) & 0b00000011000000000000000011111111
    # x = ---- --98 ---- ---- ---- ---- 7654 3210
    x = (x | (x << 8)) & 0b00000011000000001111000000001111
    # x = ---- --98 ---- ---- 7654 ---- ---- 3210
    x = (x | (x << 4)) & 0b00000011000011000011000011000011
    # x = ---- --98 ---- 76-- --54 ---- 32-- --10
    x = (x | (x << 2)) & 0b00001001001001001001001001001001
    # x = ---- 9--8 --7- -6-- 5--4 --3- -2-- 1--0
    return x

def generate_morton_code(c: float3, ext: Bound):
    offset = c - ext.min
    total_ext = ext.max - ext.min
    x = offset * 1024 / total_ext
    return left_3_shift(ti.floor(x[0], dtype=ti.i32)) | left_3_shift(ti.math.floor(x[1], dtype=ti.i32)) << 1 \
           | left_3_shift(ti.math.floor(x[2], dtype=ti.i32)) << 2

class Bvh:
    def __init__(self, scene_ext, primitive_count, primitives, sorter="bi_gpu"):
        self.primitives = primitives
        self.internal_node_count = primitive_count - 1
        self.primitive_count = primitive_count

        self.bvh = BvhNode.field(shape=[self.primitive_count + self.internal_node_count])
        self.codes = ti.field(dtype=ti.i32, shape=[self.primitive_count])
        self.scene_ext = scene_ext
        self.sorter = sorter
        self.atomic_counter = ti.field(dtype=ti.i32, shape=[self.internal_node_count])

        self.atomic_counter = None

    def generate_morton_code(self, primitives: ti.template()):
        for i in range(self.primitive_count):
            bound = primitives[i].bound
            centroid = (bound.max + bound.min) * 0.5

            offset = centroid - self.scene_ext.min
            total_ext = self.scene_ext.max - self.scene_ext.min
            x = offset * 1024 / total_ext

            self.codes[i] = left_3_shift(ti.floor(x[0], dtype=ti.i32)) | left_3_shift(ti.math.floor(x[1], dtype=ti.i32)) << 1 \
           | left_3_shift(ti.math.floor(x[2], dtype=ti.i32)) << 2

    def delta(self, n1: ti.i32, n2: ti.i32):
        rv = -1
        if 0 <= n2 < self.primitive_count:
            c1 = self.codes[n1]
            c2 = self.codes[n2]
            v = 0
            if c1 == c2:
                c1 = n1
                c2 = n2
                v = 31

            c = c1 ^ c2
            rv = 31 - ti.math.floor(ti.math.log(c) / 0.69314, dtype=ti.i32) + v

        return rv

    def build_bvh(self):
        # from https://research.nvidia.com/sites/default/files/publications/karras2012hpg_paper.pdf
        for i in range(self.internal_node_count):
            d = int(ti.math.sign(self.delta(i, i + 1) - self.delta(i, i - 1)))

            delta_min = self.delta(i, i - d)

            l_max = 2
            while self.delta(i, i + l_max * d) > delta_min:
                l_max = l_max * 2
            l = 0
            t = l_max // 2
            while t >= 1:
                if self.delta(i, i + (l + t) * d) > delta_min:
                    l = l + t
                t = t // 2
            j = i + l * d

            delta_node = self.delta(i, j)
            s = 0
            t = l
            div = 2
            while t > 1:
                # from floor to ceiling
                t = ti.ceil(l / div, dtype=ti.i32)
                if self.delta(i, i + (s + t) * d) > delta_node:
                    s = s + t
                div *= 2
            gama = i + s * d + ti.min(d, 0)

            left = 0
            right = 0
            if ti.min(i, j) == gama:
                left = gama + self.internal_node_count
                left = gama
            if ti.max(i, j) == gama + 1:
                right = gama + 1 + self.internal_node_count
                right = gama + 1

            self.bvh[i].left = left
            self.bvh[i].right = right
            self.bvh[i].primitive = -1

            self.bvh[left].parent = i
            self.bvh[right].parent = i

    def assign_bound(self):

        as the original paper says:
        'Each thread starts from one leaf node and walks up the tree using parent pointers that we record during radix
        tree construction. We track how many threads have visited each internal node using atomic counters—the first
        thread terminates immediately while the second one gets to process the node. This way, each node is processed by
        exactly one thread, which leads to O(n) time complexity'

        for i in range(self.primitive_count):
            idx = i + self.internal_node_count
            idx = self.bvh[idx].parent
            while idx >= 0:
                counter = ti.atomic_add(self.atomic_counter[idx], 1)
                if counter == 0:
                    idx = -1
                    left = self.bvh[idx].left
                    right = self.bvh[idx].right
                    bound = merge_bound(self.bvh[left].bound, self.bvh[right].bound)
                    self.bvh[idx].bound = bound
                    idx = self.bvh[idx].parent

    def set_primitive_idx(self, primitives: ti.template()):
        for i in range(self.primitive_count):
            self.bvh[i + self.internal_node_count].primitive = i
            self.bvh[i + self.internal_node_count].bound = primitives[i].bound

    def sort(self):
        output_primitive = Primitive.field(shape=[self.primitive_count])
        if self.sorter == "radix_cpu":
            RadixSorterCpu(self.primitives, output_primitive, self.primitive_count, self.codes)
        elif self.sorter == "radix_gpu":
            RadixSorterGpu(self.primitives, output_primitive, self.primitive_count, self.codes)
        elif self.sorter == "bi_gpu":
            BiSorterGpu(self.primitives, output_primitive, self.primitive_count, self.codes)
        self.primitives = output_primitive

    def cook_bvh_gpu(self):
        self.bvh[0].parent = -1

        self.codes = None


bvh的构建主要参考了 Maximizing Parallelism in the Construction of BVHs, Octrees, and k-d Trees

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